Even though in some countries, like the United States, the trends towards right-wing illiberalism seem to be weakening, other regions, most notably Central-Eastern Europe, experience considerable solidification of the illiberal rule. In Poland, the conservative, right-wing Law and Justice party continues to exercise its strong electoral mandate which commonly serves as the justification to violate […]
Essay | The Colliding Politics of Memory – The Case of Eastern Europe
In 2002 the Polish-Russian Working Group for Difficult Issues was founded with the aim of closing the gap between Polish and Russian historiography in respect to the most controversial and debatable events. In the course of its existence, renowned academics shed some new light on the relations of the two countries in the twentieth century. […]
Recensie | Renia Spiegel en Elizabeth Bellak – Het dagboek van Renia Spiegel
Renia Spiegel en Elizabeth Bellak, Het dagboek van Renia Spiegel. HarperCollins, Amsterdam, 2019. ISBN: 9789402703276. €22,99 Bijna veertig jaar lang lag het dagboek van Renia Spiegel in een New Yorkse bankkluis. Renia’s zus Elizabeth Bellak had het gevonden tussen de spullen van haar overleden moeder, maar kon zich er niet toe zetten het te […]